Carbon Spoiler KT-Track for Emira (adjustable)

Product information "Carbon Spoiler KT-Track for Emira (adjustable)"

Carbon Spoiler KT-Track for Emira

The new lotus Emira is an impressive car with many improvements, that's not to say it can't be made a little bit better...

Our first test drives with this car on road and track showed that a propper rear wing would suit the Emira not only visually but also technically. We have therefore started to determine a suitable wing profile after extensive development with CAD/CFD and have also completed the driving tests successfully. The Angel of the Wingblade is adjustable.

Sizes: Wingblade approx. 125x29cm, hights from rear-clam approx. 19cm.

More technical informations to follow.....

The wing is TÜV compliant and can be registered.

Warranty notice: Please note that all parts that are exchanged on the vehicle for components that are not standard Lotus spare parts can result in expired factory guarantee on this assembly and the assemblies affected becoming null and void. This includes all technical matters. Komo-Tec grants the parts warranty on its delivered components.